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Film Club Policy

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1.0 Introduction


 1.1  The object of the Drimpton Village Hall and Recreational Trust is to provide and maintain a village hall and recreation ground for the use of the inhabitants of Drimpton without distinction of political, religious or other opinions, including use for meetings, lectures and classes, and for other forms of recreation and leisure-time occupation, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants.


1.2  The provision of a members’ Film Club is aligned to the objective


2.0 Guiding Principles

2.1  The organisation Action for Communities in Rural England (ACRE) provides a factsheet entitled ‘Providing Services in Village Halls. Appendix B of this document sets out ‘tips for providing film and cinema facilities’


2.2  The Trust has relied upon this guidance, together with that from Cinema for All (formerly the British Federation of Film Societies): http:// and ‘Showing Films in Public’, in the adoption of this policy.


2.3  The Trust will be compliant with recommended guidance and legal requirements that ensure it is commensurate with the terms of its Buildings and Public Liability Insurance.


2.4 Film Club revenue will be set to cover cost of licensing and film purchase.


3.0 Operations

3.1  Drimpton Village Hall holds a premises licence, renewed annually, issued by Dorset County Council which permits the showing of film on the premises.


3.2  Film Club will operate in compliance with a Non-commercial / Non-theatrical / Umbrella licence purchased from Filmbankmedia. The licence's restrictions include no charging for non-members and no public advertising or promotion. This licence type is featured in the advice sheet supplied by ACRE.


3.3 Advertising to the membership and within the village newsletter issued to Drimpton inhabitants is not considered by the Trust to be advertising to the general public.


3.4  In development of this Policy, Filbankmedia were consulted with regard to our needs as to the appropriate licence type and this advice has been followed.


3.5  Film Club will be managed by a volunteer, assisted by others, who will ensure compliance with the following Trust policies during operations

.     Health and Safety Policy

.     Evacuation Procedure

.     Safeguarding and Vulnerable Persons

.     General Data Protection Regulations


3.6  The Trust has approved a membership scheme which will be managed by the Film Club manager for the 12 month film club season, in these terms

.     Full membership at a fixed annual fee set by the Committee and reviewed annually. Fee payable at the start of film season, which will give access to all the monthly film shown in a season

.     Half Membership at a fixed annual fee set by the Committee and reviewed annually payable at the start of film season, which will give access to a maximum of five of the  monthly films shown in a season.

.     Non members who present at the door will be admitted only on the adoption of either A or B above.


4.0 Review

4.1  This Policy may be altered by the Trust from time to time as required and will be reviewed annually.


Paul Clements

14th June 2024

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