Gardening Club
We have 7 talks a year from experts covering all aspects of gardening and flower arranging and widen our horizons by inviting people from the farming community to talk to us.
Other months are taken up with our Social Evening in July Christmas Dinner and, of course, we have our Summer Show in August...a proper village event!
Email: drimptonshow@btinternet.com
Club Blog: http://cwdhortsoc.blogspot.com/
Robin Moses, our chairman..... 01308 868820
Diana Leake, secretary...... 01308 867172
10:30 TO NOON
To start the morning we shall have Robin’s made-to-order bacon baps and sausage baps with Joyce’s sausage rolls…
and a cake or two and cheese scones.
We then have a visit and talk from one of our members, Lucy Blackburn, who has a long fascination with all
things horticultural. Lucy has three large vegetable plots and tries to be self-sufficient in vegetables and has a no-dig policy. Twenty years ago she started growing flowers for flower arranging, at first on a small scale. She then joined the team that runs the Flower Tent at Melplash, Show. She now does more flowers arranging and competing herself and she will encourage us to take up the gentle art of flower arranging.

Join Us
Every third Wednesday of the month
Doors open at 7pm for teas, coffees with the meetings starting at 7:30pm
We welcome all gardeners and would-be gardeners, young and old and among our members there are some well informed gardeners who are always very happy to give advice.