Welcome to our page of useful local services! Here you'll find links to local businesses within the village and to the surrounding village halls.
If you'd like to have your business featured here, we'd love to include you. Please send your logo, website link and contact details, plus short description to helen.emumedia@gmail.com.
We kindly suggest a donation of £20 to the Village Hall Trust (registered charity number 1040203) to support our website costs. To arrange your donation, please get in touch with our Treasurer, Joe Cottriall, at joe.cottriall@btinternet.com.
We do ask that your business is located within a 2-mile radius of the village hall.
Thank you for supporting our community!
Local Business Links
Local registered chimney sweeps providing local chimney sweep services
Web: https://emuassociation.wixsite.com/emumediaportfolio
Phone: 07796 000205
Email: helen.emumedia@gmail.com
Website design and building. marketing, graphic design. IT, anything geeky and computer related give Helen a shout

​Website: https://www.dorsetbirdtree.com
Phone: 01308 867601 / 07727 168188
Email: robhedditch@gmail.com​

​Website: www.ebaileyandsons.co.uk
Phone: 01308 862346
Email: sarah.bailey@ebaileyandsons.co.uk​
Family run building company established in 1905. We cover all aspects of property maintenance, internal alterations, extensions, listed building works and new builds.

We are a small family run business offering MOT's, Tyres and mechanical repairs. We are a supplier/stockist of Gas bottles.
and have petrol and diesel sales. We aim to provide a friendly and efficient service to all our customers with courtesy cars if available while we
have your vehicle
For all other events taking places in the village, such as those at The Chapel and The Royal Oak, as well as local information like bus timetables and more.
Surrounding Village Halls
The Comrades Hall, Broadwindsor - https://broadwindsor.org/the-comrades-hall/
Clapton and Wayford Village Hall - https://claptonandwayfordvillagehall.co.uk/