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Code of Conduct

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Drimpton Village Hall and Recreational Trust




This Code sets out the standards of conduct and accountability expected of Drimpton Village Hall committee (DVH), staff and volunteers in undertaking DVH affairs.

This Code is designed to enable DVH committee to function with confidence, efficiency and fairness to inform members what is expected when operating as a member of DVH, and its sub-groups.


Aims of the Code:

To define expected conduct

To enhance opportunities for the fullest participation;

To recognise and value the strengths, experience of all engaged in DVH work



The management of the Trust is vested in a Management Committee comprised of Trustees who are elected on an annual basis at the Annual General Meeting and appointed members who represent village groups. The main duties are to:-

Ensure that Drimpton Village Hall and Recreational Trust is carrying out its purposes for the benefit of the community as defined in the Constitution document (1993) as registered with the Charities Commission


Comply with the Constitution 11

Act in the charity’s best interests

Manage the charity’s resources responsibly

Act with reasonable care and skill

Ensure the charity is accountable





DVH members and volunteers should take decisions solely in terms of the Trust’s  best interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family or their friends.


DVH members and volunteers and should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in the performance of their duties.


When awarding contracts, DVH members should make choices based on merit alone.


DVH members and volunteers are accountable for their decisions and actions and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.


DVH members and volunteers have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the interest of Drimpton Village Hall.




All DVH members are expected to be familiar with and comply with Drimpton Village Hall’s latest approved policies in all aspects of their activities relating to Drimpton Village Hall.




Much of the work of DVH will be undertaken at meetings. The effectiveness of these meetings is critical because they are the principal decision making tool of the Trust.

The behaviour of participants at meetings is important to the success of the meeting.

Some people may lack the confidence to express themselves fully in a meeting with other people, whereas some find it all too easy to dominate. Effective meetings can be achieved if all individuals are committed to some simple ground rules for behaviour before and during meetings:

The Chair is responsible for setting the agenda, orchestration and the conduct of the meetings.

Individuals have a responsibility to be properly prepared for meetings by reading circulated documents beforehand and by a commitment to attending meetings as required. Agenda items must be submitted to the Secretary by email at least 7 days before the scheduled meeting. This is to allow attendees time to consider the agenda in matters before attendance.

Any Other Business (AOB) items are reserved for matters of significance that have arisen in the 7 days prior to the meeting and only by leave of the Chair. AOB is not a route for last minute thinking to arrive on the agenda.

Individual and personal disputes should not be allowed to affect conduct within the meeting but should be resolved elsewhere.

All contributions at any meeting should be raised via the Chair. Individuals wishing to speak should seek the attention of the Chair and wait their turn to speak only when directed by the Chair.

Individuals should respect the contributions of others by not interrupting when someone is speaking, even though they may not agree with what is being said.

Individuals will ensure that comments made do not amount to a personal attack on another individual. Heated, emotional or offensive language and behaviour is not tolerable.

There will inevitably be differences of opinion on issues debated at meetings. After full discussion when the meeting has reached a conclusion all individuals must support the decision agreed, whether they voted for or against it. Speaking against agreed decisions in public will only serve to undermine DVH, and individuals have a responsibility to stand by the collective decisions of DVH and to present a united front.


Chair will ask individuals in attendance to declare whether they have any personal, financial or other material interest in any item on the agenda. The Chair and the remaining voting members of the meeting will then decide whether individuals declaring an interest must leave the meeting for the relevant item or just not take part in the discussions or decision-making.





Meetings of DVH are private. Guests may be invited at the discretion of the Chair. It is the responsibility of members to maintain the confidence and integrity of meetings. Committee transactional business and financial affairs will not be discussed with non-members, unless an authorised specific action requires it. Individuals must never use confidential information for their personal advantage, or to the advantage or disadvantage of anyone known to them, or to disadvantage or discredit the organisation.


Communications with other agencies

There will be occasions when individuals will be asked to, or wish to, communicate

with external agencies e.g. Government Office, the local council, press etc. The DVH corporate logo should be used in written correspondence.




The day-to-day management of the staff and volunteers rests with DVH. It is therefore expected that:

Members of DVH, staff and volunteers treat each other with courtesy and     respect at all times in both formal and informal situations;

Members of staff and volunteers will endeavour to give appropriate advice to DVH as requested.

Members of DVH, staff, and volunteers will not seek to use their positions to exercise inappropriate influence e.g. to secure improper advantage for themselves or any other person.

Members of DVH, staff and volunteers will pay due respect to the private lives of all individuals involved in activities relating to Drimpton Village Hall.




Where a Committee member is routinely failing to attend meetings, not undertaking their role with due diligence, or is doing so in a manner which is disruptive or adversely affecting the committee as a whole, the Chair and Vice Chair will review and discuss the matter with the person concerned (If the Chair is the subject, then the Vice Chair and one other Trustee). If the performance remains unchanged the matter will be brought to Committee and a decision sought as to whether the member should remain in service.


A majority vote which leads to a request to terminate service will be delivered in writing. There is no route to appeal.




Any concerns or complaints regarding the work of staff or volunteers should be directed through the Chair. Any concerns or complaints regarding work related issues concerning the Chair should be directed through the Vice Chair. Where appropriate, the disciplinary procedure will be invoked.




It is always preferable for breaches of the code to be dealt with in a timely manner. A sub-committee will be established by DVH if required. Its role will be to investigate potential breaches of the Code of Conduct and would be authorised when appropriate to give:

A written warning concerning future conduct.

A fixed term suspension from involvement in specific/all meetings of DVH.

If it is decided that permanent suspension from meetings of DVH is warranted, or

removal from office, then a report will be taken to the next full meeting of the DVH for a full committee decision.

Where the breach of code takes place outside a meeting then complaints must, in the first instance, be made in writing to the Chairman. The Chairman will then, in consultation with other DVH members decide whether a sub-committee ahould be set up to investigate, as outlined above. A copy of the complaint will be sent to the individual and to the other sub-committee members 7 days before any review meeting.

The sub-committee will allow the individual to attend the meeting and to speak in reply to the complaint.

Should there be any dispute about the facts, the sub-committee may call for evidence and reconvene at a later date, but within a further 14 days.

If it is agreed that the Code of Conduct has been breached, then appropriate sanctions will be taken.

Where the breach of Code of Conduct occurs during a committee meeting:

Participants should raise breaches of the Code of Conduct as a point of order through the Chairman.

If the Chairman agrees that a breach has taken place, a first oral warning will be issued to the person concerned. This will be noted in the Minutes of the meeting.

If an individual breaches the code for a second time they may be asked to leave the meeting. This will be noted in the minutes, explaining briefly the reasons for exclusion from the meeting.

Following any exclusion from a meeting, the Chairman will arrange a meeting of a sub-committee to discuss the breach. This sub-committee will meet within 14 working days of the original meeting.


· The sub-committee meeting will decide whether it is appropriate for the individual to attend any Committee meetings or functions during this review period, depending on the nature of the complaint.

If it is agreed that the Code of Conduct has been breached, then appropriate sanctions will be taken.

A written warning concerning future conduct.

A fixed term suspension from involvement in specific/all meetings of DVH.

If it is decided that permanent suspension from meetings of DVH is warranted, or removal from office, then a report will be taken to the next full meeting of the DVH for a full committee decision.


Policy Review Date: January 2026
Approved by Trustees Date: 31/1/25

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