1. The Hirer (as named on the booking form) will during the period of the hire be responsible for the supervision of the premises, the fabric and contents, their care and safe usage. (No naked flames/ candles are permitted).
2. The Hirer is responsible for the behaviour of all persons including proper supervision of car parking arrangements to avoid obstruction of the highway or damage to the recreation ground.
3. The Hirer shall be liable for the cost of any repair of damage done to any part of the property or the loss or damage of the contents thereof during the period of hiring as a result of the hiring.
4. In cases where electrical equipment is brought to an event being held on the Village site, those using the equipment should ensure that: it is electrically safe, as the Trust cannot be held responsible in these
circumstances for any personal injury that may occur.
5. Fire Regulations limit the capacity of the Hall to 200 persons.
6. If the Hirer named on the booking form is a member of an Organisation and does not have overall responsibility for the purpose of the hiring then the Organisation must name a person to be “on duty” during the hiring period.
7. The Hirer “on duty” person will:
a. Ensure that all persons present are aware of emergency procedures.
b. Know the location of the First Aid Kit.
c. Complete an incident report sheet regarding any issues relating to any accidents or injuries and report
to the Booking committee representative immediately.
d. Make a written report of any issues relating to any part of the facility, its equipment or contents which are inadequate, damaged, or missing. Please note copies of REPORT sheets are in the file on the kitchen windowsill.
e. Ensure that all items on the Kitchen Checklist are completed at the end of the event. It is page 3 of this document.
f. Return all furniture to its correct location.
g. Be the last to leave the building, lock up and close the main gate.
h. Hirers are responsible for their own Risk Assessment in line with Government restrictions and current guidelines.
i. You are expected to remove ALL rubbish, bottles etc from the hall as we have no council collection facilities.
I have read and agree with the terms and conditions above and have signed the Booking Form